Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello world: a TV recommendation

Welcome to the launch of this blog, written by two men with Asperger syndrome, one diagnosed, one not. It's to be a guide for other AS people on living happily with normal people and meant to explain us to normals too.

First, my TV pick for explaining your AS to your normal family, friends et al.:


She's sexy, smart and successful. And the greatest thing for AS people since Drs. Asperger "discovered" us and Attwood explained us to the world. Like a lot of us she's not diagnosed but she's odd. But it doesn't get in her way. Good for explaining to normals we don't all act like the Rain Man. They call it the autistic spectrum for a reason; some of us make it to the same level as normals. With your high IQ, understanding the condition and a few field-tested workarounds (coping skills), chances are so can you!

P.S. AFAIK the actress doesn't have AS.

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